[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Zelmer ( Zellmer)

Gary Warner gary at warnerengineering.com
Mon Jan 31 13:13:49 PST 2011


Have you looked at the actual images of the St. Petersburg birth records 
for what appears to be the 6 children born of this marriage?   Perhaps 
the names of the godparents will tell you something more.   Children 
that are likely from this marriage are: Eduard (1866), Ferdinand (1870), 
Ernestine (1872), Pauline (1874), Florentine (1877), and Alwine 
(1885).   Unfortunately, I do not see any deaths for this family in the 
St. Petersburg database, as that may also have helped.

You may want to consider joining SGGEE and submitting your data for 
inclusion in the Master Pedigree Database (MPD).   It is possible that 
you have cousins in SGGEE, and that connecting your data to their data 
will help you find your way further back.

Gary Warner
SGGEE Databases Manager

On 1/30/2011 2:18 PM, BRENT ZELMER wrote:
> Hello,
> Looking for help and If anyone else has done research on our family name. I have gotten back farther than we had but am now stuck. Here is what I have to date:
> The furthest back i have is a marriage date from the Odessa site 13 Dec 1861 between Wilhelm Zelmer and Caroline Kruger. There is no mention of any Zelmer entries prior in these files although they do go back into the 1830's So I have to assume that the family was not in Volhynia much prior to 1860. Germany? Poland? I'm not sure where to start looking for a birth place for Wilhelm? They would have had to come from Germany at some point. The area of interest is about 25km north of Rivne (Rovno) The villages listed with the aboves children are all within several km's of each other.
> they are:
> Friedrichsdorf ( solomka )
> Oleksandriia   (aleksandria)
> Marzelinhof
> Maraiandorf
> Chotinka
> the first two are of the most interest as they are the birth place of my Grandfather and great grandfather.
> I was over to ukraine in Oct 2010. hoping to find cemetary stuff but to no avail. if anyone needs info about travel in this area i can provide info.
> perhaps i should have went into Rovno and attempted to find records  I did not sadly.
> Has anyone else found a means of tracing the path on how your families ended up in Volhynia??
> if so please share.
> Thanks in advance for any help and pointers.
> Brent Zelmer
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