[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] distance

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Sun Jan 9 10:26:31 PST 2011

If Lisarowka is the same as Lazarevka, it is located about 30 km SE of Radomyschl.

Karolivka is about 15 km due north of Radomyschl.

Romansdorf is about 9.2 km due north of Radomyschl.


----- Original Message -----
From: James <jageike at msn.com>
Date: Friday, January 7, 2011 4:02 pm
Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] distance
To: ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org

> ?Would the following villages be in range of possible 
> interaction like marriage ?
> WoRomansdorf, OLisarowka and Karolivka  -, I think is sam, 
> as Karowka , 41.8 miles sw of Kiev Would they be centered on 
> Radomyschl
> Thanks for all or any help with this as My Geike family is being 
> very illusive.
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