[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Mantay family

Clinton Ehlert cehlert at shaw.ca
Sun Dec 4 11:23:23 PST 2011

Hi christoph

Here is the line your looking for I will try to see if I can find someoe can help me scan the information in the book to you but here is the outline of the family 

                  Generation One 
                Gustave Mantay 
thew came to Canada in 1893 an settled in the summerberry area in Saskatchewan Canada . They later moved to yellowgrass , Saskatchewan , Canada . Gustave died 1913 . they had One Son William 

            Generation Two 

            William Mantay 
                married in 1909 in Yellowgrass, saskatchewan 
            Margaret Wirth 
            They had Two Children 
            A.) ReinHold Mantay 
                born 1911
            b.) Evelyn Mantay Born 1909 - 1927 

Generation Three 

Reinhoild Mantay 
Married 1942 Yellowgrass, Saskatchewan 
Elfrieda Gerhardt

there children were

A.) Gloria Mantay who married David Steith and lives in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

B.) Janet Mantay who married Roger Perrault and lives in Toronto, ontario, Canada 

C.) Carol Mantay who married David Byrns and lives in Yellowgrass , Saskatchewan 

E.) Beverly Mantay who married Marcel Roy

F.) Valerie Married Clifford Crickett 

G.) Collen Mantay 

This is an outline of information that is in the book I hope it helps aand as i said I will try to scan it for and if I can't this is mostily what is in the book 

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