Royal Natzke rdnatzke at charter.net
Sat Sep 25 13:11:18 PDT 2010

The name Zion is not significant in itself as to which branch of the 
Lutheran churches it is in. Zion and Trinity were 2 of the most used names 
in the early history of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. A 1940's history 
of this synod is entitled Zion on the Mississippi - that seems to say 
something. Here in WI it was also true of the Wisconsin Synod churches.

Royal Natzke
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "MIKE MCHENRY" <maurmike1 at verizon.net>
To: <ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org>
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 2:40 PM
Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] ZION IN LUTHERAN CHURCH NAME

> Can someone tell me the significance of ZION in a Lutheran church name? My
> grandparents attended a Lutheran church with it in its name. They lived in
> Hoboken, NJ 1910 - 1920. Hoboken had a large German population at the time
> with a number of German Lutheran churches to choose from. This one was not
> the closest to their homes.
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