[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Kaminonka

Miles Ertman milesertman at shaw.ca
Sat May 1 10:04:24 PDT 2010

There is a "Kryniczka" near "Kamionka" SE of Kostopol (Tuczyn area)   
Volhynia on this map:  http://www.sggee.org/members/PDFMaps/volhynia/ 

There are Grenke births in Kolowert in the St. Petersburg records.   
Kolowert is also in this area (map P2) south of Kamionka.

On 1-May-10, at 10:45 AM, Rose Ingram wrote:

> Further correspondence with Jenny revealed that the Kamionka she  
> was referring to (Russia, 1911), was found a 1911 manifest of her  
> ancestor.  He was living in Kamionka and left behind brother Ernst  
> Grenke in Krenitschki, Volhynia (also written Kresnischki on  
> another manifest for another relative).   I think this may be in  
> the Tuszyn area.
> Rose Ingram.
>   From: Jerry Frank
>   Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2010 7:49 AM
>   My apologies for my previous incorrect answer. Roughly the  
> eastern 1/3 of modern  Kujawsko-Pomorskie province was previously  
> in Russia.
>   Jerry
>   From: "Earl.Schultz" <
>> While there may be more than one Kamionka, Kamionka, Kujawsko-
>> Pomorskie was
>> part of Russia in 1911 so the answer would be YES. Most of
>> the records for
>> this village are found in the Michalki-Rypin Ev. Augsburg
>> parish. Contact
>> me for any pre-1866 information.
>> Earl
>> ------------------------------
>>> From: J GRENKE <jgrenke2 at yahoo.com>
>> Is Kamionka, Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Poland (1848) ?the same as
>> Kamionka, Russia
>> in 1911?
>> Jenny Grenke
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