[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Search for ancestors settled 1821 in Wincentowo in the Pultusk area

Otto otto at schienke.com
Wed Jan 27 11:41:52 PST 2010

Afternoon Birgit,
For your time period mentioned I would first try the RC Pultusk  
records (Pultusk was a Prussian garrison city)-
Found some of mine there (evang-augs). Pultusk relatives were also  
recorded in the Ilow parish at the same time.
Next try the other RC parish.

Praschnitz and Nasielsk are of a later time period.

On Jan 27, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Birgit wrote:

> Hello,
> my ancestors were German settlers of evang.-augsburg. confession and  
> lived
> 1821 near the river Narew in Wincentowo and surrounding area.
> Unfortunately the Protestant parish register of births at the Pultusk
> archive starts at 1843.
> My question: Where should I search for my ancestors born in 1821? In  
> the
> Roman Catholic church register for Pultusk? In the civil  
> registration for
> Pultusk? Or in the Roman Catholic church register of Obryte which is
> closer to Wincentowo than Pultusk? Thank you for your help.
> Birgit Jenning
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. . .   Otto
          " The Zen moment..." wk. of January 01, 2010-
                   "Satisfaction . . . lurks in the answers."

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