[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] German Bureau of Aryan Records

Paul Rakow rakow at ifh.de
Tue Jan 26 12:39:04 PST 2010


       This sounds like the "Aryan Pass", a document which most
  Germans filled out during the Nazi period, listing their ancestors.
  Unfortunately, the government didn't keep copies, the only way of
  getting hold of this document is if a member of the German Stebner
  family held on to it.

       Volhynia Germans who had been in Germany since 1908 wouldn't
  have EWZ files - those were only for people who came to Germany during
  the War years. But it might still be worth looking for Stebners,
  Schmulands and Pischles in the EWZ films, because there might have
  been more distant relatives of yours who only came to Germany
  in the early 40s.

       Do you know the web-site

       They have transcribed a lot of address books from Pomerania,
  there are two Stebners listed in Koeslin in 1937,
     August Stebner and Otto Stebner.

   Stebner & Co,
   Manufactured goods and clothing,
   the home of good quality
   and cheap prices

      I think it would be fun to get a copy of their advert from
  the 1937 Koeslin city address book.

              Paul Rakow
              rakow at ifh.de


  doncarolea at aol.com wrote: 
> My uncle, Otto Stebner, was born in Volhynia between 1893 and 1896
> somewhere near Zhytomir.  The family, consisting of my mother, her parents,  her
> sister and 5 brothers, left Volhynia in about 1908 and went to  Bismarkwald
> near Gross Wartenberg.  All emigrated to the US in 1914  except for Otto.
> Otto fought in the German army in WW1 against the  Russians, including the
> battle of Tannenberg.  In 1938, he was the  proprietor of a soft goods store in
> Koslin, Pomerania known as "August Stebner  & Co."  August Stebner must have
> been a relative. Otto wrote his  brother in Chicago asking him if he knew
> the names and birth places of their  grandparents as this information was
> being requested by the German Bureau of  Aryan records.  His brother did not
> know but Otto must have found the  information somehow.  Does anyone know if
> this information can be  accessed?
> I am really searching for the birth place of my grandfather, Heinrich
> Stebner, and the names and birth places of his parents. Also, the  birth place
> of my grandmother, Julianna Schmuland, and her parents, Gottfried  Schmuland
> and Justine Pischle.  These families were German Lutheran.
> Don Anderson

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