[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Translation Help: Old style German Abbreviation to English

George Shoning shoning at q.com
Thu Dec 9 13:20:54 PST 2010

I need some help.  I have a parish record from East Prussia that is written in the old-style German.  The person of interest was born on December 23, 1857.  However, under name is a notation "gr. d. 19/2.59".  Has anyone on this list encountered the abbreviation "gr." before in any parish records?  I know that it is not "gestorben" (died), because the person grew up, married, and had children.  I also undersand the "d." (den) and the numbers (19 Feb 1859). I will appreciate any help in this regard.
George Shoning 		 	   		  

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