[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Kreis Scherlisch, Poland

Gary Warner gary at warnerengineering.com
Sun Apr 4 14:45:14 PDT 2010


I am not sure I am going to be a help during Jerry Frank's absence, but 
here is something to consider.

I typed in Scherlisch in the Jewish Shtetl Seeker and it came up with a 
few options, the most promising sounding to my English speaking ear 
being Czerlś, Czerśl.

When I entered Czerśl in


it shows a village that is about 60 miles SSE or Warsaw, which is 
certainly in a direction from central Poland to Volhynia. I have no idea 
if this is the correct place.

Where did you get the spelling for the place you seek?

Gary Warner

On 4/3/2010 9:05 AM, helmkarenm at aol.com wrote:
> I am researching the Datte (alternate spelling-Tade) family that lived in the region near Michelsdorf and Pokaschew in Volhynia. I have fortunately found 2nd cousins in Germany who have related excellent information regarding the migratory path of the family from Germany to Poland to Volhynia. The cousins relate that their grandfather, Alphons Tade, was born on May 23, 1853 in Kreis Scherlisch, Poland. Does anyone know where Kreis Scherlisch is?
> Karen Helm
> Golden, Colorado
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