[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Defination or Origin of Hockerlinger

Günther Böhm GHBoehm at ish.de
Thu Sep 17 08:53:29 PDT 2009

Grit.Elgert at gmx.de schrieb:
> Dear John
> This explanation is just a trial:
> Perhaps an linguistic expert is knowing better
> Hockerlinger / Hockerlingisch is an idiom in silesian
> dialect and described the silesians and her "tongue"
> Silesia in older times was called the bread-basket or
> granary of Germany
> The word "Hocke" means sheaf / corn shock,
> "Haecksel or Hoeckerling"
> (with umlaut/mutated vowel) means chaff
> Grit Elgert
Hello John,
Hockerlinger derived from the word "ock" which was used by Silesians an 
German Bohemians instead of "doch" or "nur".


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