[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Johann Zellmer born 1790s Klawittersdorf Kreis Deutsch Krone Posen Preussen

Mark P. Zellmer mpzbest at mwwb.net
Tue Oct 20 22:46:28 PDT 2009

I have this one stopping me cold Johann Zellmer born ? 1790s married Suzanna ?Bremer or Brehmer they had a son Christof born 1818 he married Augusta Drews or Drevs they had 7 children Christof brought his wife and children to USA 1868 from Hamburg aboard the Cymbria I have good info from then on but nothing on Johann I want his parents grandparents so on siblings of his or his children or other marriages Please email me if this person has come up in your research or if you know of this now unnamed villade 10 K N.E. of Walcz Poland and 4.5 K S.E. of Scwecja Poland if you live near or travel there and could look at the cemetary anything will help I would gladly pay for accurrate proven info Thank You mpzbest at mwwb.net 

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