[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Genealogy software

Dave Proper dproper at charter.net
Thu Nov 19 19:12:18 PST 2009

I switched from FTM to The Master Genealogist (TMG) several years ago and
love the control that it gives me over my data. TMG has a built in
conversion tool called GenBridge that will convert any of the major
genealogy programs with little or no loss of data. Eastman did a review of
it a couple of years ago here:
Dave Proper

>The best plan is for you to export your data to a gedcom on your old
computer and then import it into whatever program you plan on using on 
>your new computer.   I would strongly recommend AGAINST using Family 
>Tree Maker, as it causes us an immense amount of pain and effort to correct
the errors that program creates when we import data into our 
>SGGEE databases.   My personal favorite is Legacy, but you can also use 
>PAF, and there may be others that are also acceptable from the standpoint
of not causing errors.
>Gary Warner
>Nelson Itterman wrote:
> Good morning everybody:
> Does anyone have a CD for FTM 2008.  I am trying to transfer my Family 
> Trees from my PC to my new Laptop, and find that they can't be 
> transferred
> without the program being there to accept it.
> Help please. If you have one can you send it to me via snail mail - 
> 515-10531-90th Street  NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - T5H 4E7. I'll 
> return it after I use it.

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