[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Lodz Trinitatis

Rose Ingram roseingram at shaw.ca
Sun May 10 10:00:02 PDT 2009

Hi Michael,

I have the Lodz films for 1860 and 1861.   I can check these entries later in the week.

Rose Ingram
  From: Michael Stockhausen 
  Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2009 5:05 AM


  Does anybody have any information on Ferdinand CERECKI, who died in Lodz Trnitatis in 1861 no. 20?
  How old was he; was he a child or an adult?
  Who were his parents?
  Was he married, what was his spouse's name?

  I am currently trying to help some possible distant cousins in the USA find their ancestors.
  They tell me that their ancestor Ferdinand Wilhelm Cerecki was born on Oct 7, 1861 (calculated date) in (or near?) Lodz. His parents were Ferdinand (Fred = Gottfried?) and Carrie (Karolina?) Cerecki / Zeretzke.
  I have found the birth of a Ferdinand Cerecki in Lodz in 1860, he was baptized Oct 7, 1860 (is Oct 7 a coincidence?). I have a copy, the parents' names don't match.

  I have now seen, that in 1861 in Lodz a Ferdinand Cerecki has deceased. I could very well be that it was the boy who was born a year before. I would then know that he is not the person we are looking for.

  Thanks for any assistance.

  Kind regards

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