[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Wegierka Location

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Fri Jan 16 05:14:39 PST 2009

An interesting discovery:

I couldn't understand why some of the place names on Jan's map were 
in italics.  So I looked up the word in my Polish dictionary

Wegierski = of Hungary

If you look at other italic words on the map, you see village names 
appended in italics as:

Niemieckie = of Germany

Polski = of Poland

It would appear therefore that, in addition to our Germans, there was 
a small community of Hungarians living in that area.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca

At 06:05 AM 16/01/2009, Dr. Frank Stewner wrote:
>that solves the problem and Wgierki is near to Zyck and also 
>Piotrkowek both laying just a little to SE.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Jan Textor
>   To: Dr. Frank Stewner ; ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org
>   Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 10:51 AM
>   Subject: RE: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Wegierka Location
>   Frank Stewner wrote:
>   > I cannot find the location Wegierka on any modern map. It is 
> laying in Gabin and Zyck Polskie Parish.
>   > Near to it are Sady and Piotrkowek. Where does it lay or what 
> is the name today?
>   >
>   > Frank Stewner
>   >
>   Frank,
>   In the vicinity of Gabin and Zyck there is no such village 
> today.  However, I found two villages called Wegierki and Kol. 
> Nowosiodly Wegierki on a Polish map from 1839.  You can study the 
> relevant section of this map here:
>   http://textor.dk/maps/Wegierki.jpg
>   Kol. Nowosiodly means something like newly established 
> colony.  My guess is that these two villages no longer exist 
> because they were situated too close to the river Wisla, and 
> therefore probably were flooded too often.
>   Hope this helps.
>   Jan Textor
>   http://textor.dk/homepage/

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