[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] trip and question

Carol Duff cmduff at redwing.net
Thu Jul 3 17:19:49 PDT 2008

    What a wonderful trip!  I've been all along the Dnieper River with 
the League of Women Voters, but never to my ancestral places there.  
Some day I hope to do that.

    I have a question for someone. Family lore lists ancestral places of 
Kraftshagen, East Prussia, Eichfier and Dolfußbruch, West Prussia but 
the only concrete records that I have ever found come from Boguslawka on 
the Odessa records compiled by M Momose. I understand that this 
community is in Volhynia.  Many people who married into the family were 
also from that community. Although I have found this place on a map, I 
do not know how it connects to Germans in that area or the name changes 
for Boguslawka.  Does anyone have more knowledge to help me understand 
the work of Germans at this location and how they came there?  Thank 
you. Carol Duff

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