[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Baptismal certificate

Jane Rae Wilkens wilke013 at umn.edu
Tue Jan 1 09:50:48 PST 2008

I have the baptismal certificate for my grandmother, Juliana  
Zwingelberg Wilkens, who was born in June, 1894 in Volhynia.  Her  
parents were Herman Zwingelberg and Auguste Bloch.

I am trying to locate her village and/or church.  The church appears  
to be in Michailowka or Michailoska of which, I understand, several  
existed.  The certificate is signed by Ernst Roscher and there's also  
a notation regarding a F. Oberheu in parentheses below the Roscher  
signature.  I would appreciate any help someone could give me.  I  
would be happy to email a jpg copy of the certificate to anyone.

If anyone has further information on Juliana, her parents, or the name  
Zwingelberg or recognizes the sponsors names (Gottfried Roloff and  
Justina Dieterhoff or Disterhoff or Disherkoff), please let me know.


Jane Wilkens
wilke013 at umn.edu

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