Re: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Alexandrowka - Alwine Müller b1875

Gary Warner gary at
Wed Dec 24 08:14:33 PST 2008


This record should appear on the St. Petersburg records at, but I do not see it.   Who was the 
father, and what was the mother's given and maiden names?

Gary Warner

Maria Mikolics wrote:
> I've just received a copy of the death record for my great grandmother Alwine MÜLLER, which indicates she was born in 1875 in Alexandrowka, Wolhynien.
> As far as I can tell there was a town of this name in at least a couple of districts - Dubno & Rowno. I'd be interested in tips from anyone on where I'd start to try and find my great grandmother's birth record. As far as I can tell there aren't any LDS films that would cover 1875.
> Is there anyone else researching their family in this town?
> Maria Mikolics
> Western Australia
> HUNGARY (Csatka, Borzavár, Bakonybánk, Tápszentmiklós, Kecskemét, Nagykorös, Kerekegyháza, Kocsér) - Mikolics, Nyúl-Tóth, Karner, Major, Csonka, Nagy, Jakab, Borbe, Krucse, Marsa, Gál, Major, Florián, Koczek, Horváth
> GERMANY/PRUSSIA (Bublitz, Drawehn, Grumsdorf, Illowo) - Zemke, Stremel, Bork, Miller/Müller
> UKRAINE (Cheremoshne) - Miller/Müller, Stremel
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