[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] surnames NEUMANN - HEDKTE location help

Linda Windmoeller marmel at pctcnet.net
Sat Aug 30 06:11:04 PDT 2008

Hi listmates,

(I sent this post yesterday, but had problems with my internet service being down, so am sending again:)

In time for our family reunion, I have found the record for my great-grandmother, Emilie Emma Hulda NEUMANN, (and ancestors), born 26 Mar 1864 in Grabowo near Gniezno, under the Evangelische Lutherische church records of Czerniejewo [Schwarzenau].  (Family lore of a sawmill in the Schwarzwald of Germany appears to have been stretched from the German town name of Schwarzenau, which is current day Czerniejewo, Poland.  I'm still searching the records to find out if they really owned a sawmill in Grabowo or Czerniejewo.)

But I have yet to find the birthplace of my great-grandfather who married her, since their marriage was 1886 and the LDS microfilm records end at 1875.
He is:
Johann Daniel Michael HEDTKE, b. 16 Feb 1846, spoke low German, served in the Prussian army (so he could have moved to various locations), went by the name Michael Hedtke

He may have been born in a village named Pilsen or Pelsin (?possibly the Pelsin near Anklam near the Baltic Sea in OstVorpommern?), and 90 miles from Berlin.  His younger brother, Froedrick Ano L. HEDTKE, b. 20 Jun 1860, was said to be born in Sepere or Sheperia (?possibly near Bromberg?).  I have not been able to locate a village named Sepere, nor have I as yet searched the Anklam records.  Michael Hedtke's last place of residence listed on his application for citizenship in the USA is "Kreischuling" which might be Kreis Schubin (Szubin), Poland.

There also appears to be a Johann A. HEDTKE, b. Jul 1838, in Wvycedowo - Poland, that settled central Wisconsin.

Anyone here researching Lutheran Church records for Anklam, OstVorpommern?  Anyone have a clue to the location of village names of Pilsen/Pelsin, Sepere/Sheperia, or Wvycedowo?

Any help or insight will be appreciated!


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