[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] post wwi immigration

gary and rhonda simpson garynrho at mts.net
Tue Apr 15 06:44:32 PDT 2008

Does anyone know what year and what ports our Russian German families 
started to emigrate from (excluding Great Britain...I've exhausted that 
road) after WWI.  I'm at a loss for the last part of the family who came 
prior to July 1920 but after 1915. (unless of course they were on one of 
those pages in 1914 or 1915 that is too pale to read in which case I'm done 

I am looking for a Lydia Radons, Gerhard Yeske (Yessie Gessie) and Zelma 
Yeske (Yessie Gessie), both Gerhard and Zelma will be children, travelling 
with Lydia who is an aunt of sorts and soon to be their step mom..

Thank you in advance

Rhonda Simpson 

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