[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Ger-Poland-Volhynia Digest, Vol 54, Issue 17

Turkish Carpet turkishcarpet at shaw.ca
Fri Nov 16 16:30:33 PST 2007

> From: rlyster at telusplanet.net
> Date: 16 November, 2007 11:20:54 AM PST (CA)
> To: "ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org" <ger-poland- 
> volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org>
> Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Hemp urban legend
> I have checked a few reference sources however havenot found an  
> answer to this
> one:
> Can a person be overcome by the aroma of hemp flowers....story  
> about a little
> girl scolded by her parents, ran into the hemp field and fell  
> asleep.  They
> found her skeleton during harvest?
> Any comments out there?
> Rita

A person is most unlikely to overdose from the aroma of hemp flowers,  
even when surrounded by acres of the stuff. The newer engineered  
strains are quite potent but none of that existed way back when hemp  
was used mainly for rope making (and was an enormous industry prior  
to the 1930's, by the way). Only one person has been known to die  
from marijuana overdose and it was partially due to aggravation of a  
pre-existing medical condition. I'm very suspicious of the story that  
she fell asleep and they found the skeleton later. How would they  
know she fell asleep? If they knew she fall asleep why would they  
wait for her transformation to a skeleton? Realistically she would  
have either died from something like an asthma attack or allergic  
reaction secondary to pollen exposure, or she could have met a  
nefarious end.


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