[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Graenke surname

Reiner Kerp mail at reiner-kerp.de
Thu May 17 09:27:15 PDT 2007

Hi Otto!

> I would be very hesitant in confusing "Krahn" and "Groenke" as
> being the same surname.
> "Krahn" is a distinct surname as is the surname "Groenke".
> "Krahn" relates to the early Pommern area-
> "Groenke" could well relate to early Dutch settlers (1500's)

Sorry, I neither want to confuse anybody nor decleare "rules". Confusion
causes anger. But be aware that you never know and therefore just consider
this "a possibility".

Nevertheless, settlers (from the Palatinate?) possibly with the GREN, GREIN
maybe GREINER surname very early (abt. 1740) came to Pomerania (via
Küstrin?), and later moved on to Posen and Southprussia and moved on the
ways we all know. Many of them were of "helvetic" faith wich was very
similar to the Huguenots/Mennonite faith.

In the Labischin-area (very close to Pomerania) I found HOLLER. My wife has
HOLLER-ancestors in the Palatinate. That name very probably developed from
HOLLÄNDER (the "Dutch´s"). If they are related to eachother they possibly
closed up again on their mutual ways.

> Groenke is also written as "Gronke"

And GRÖNKE too. This reminds me that PEPEL could easily have developed from
POEPPEL. But a PEPKE or PAPKE could be the same person. Remember the story
of the "o" in KOLBERG changing to "u" in KULBARSCH. The 6th evangelical
marriage-record of Sompolno Jun 28 in 1840 states "Kuszki" as the place of 
the event. Later it always was Kozki.

Best wishes,


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