[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Help with another marriage record

Günther Böhm GHBoehm at ish.de
Wed Mar 28 01:21:02 PDT 2007

Mauricio Norenberg schrieb:

>A time ago I posted here the marriage record of my great gandfather:
>People helped me a lot, telling me the information it have.
>Now, I just found the Johann's sister marriage:
it reads:

    HENSCHKE Gottlieb, in Sapust Kislin Kreis Wladimir, Sohn des
    Ansiedlers Gottlieb HENSCHKE aus dessen Ehefrau weiland Juliane geb.
    RUMPEL aus Rombin Gouv. Petrikau gebürtigt, mit Emilie NORENBERG in
    Sapust Kislin Kreis Wladimir, Tochter des Ansiedlers Ferdinand
    NORENBERG und dessen Ehefrau Caroline geb. MARKUS, aus ??iny Gouv.
    Petrikau gebürtigt. ?????

In English:

    Gottlieb HENSCHKE from Sapust, Kiselin, Vladimir [Volynsk], son of
    the settler Gottlieb HENSCHKE out of his deceased wife Juliane
    RUMPEL born from Rombin, Petrikau government, [married] with Emilie
    NORENBERG in Sapust, Kiselin, Vladimir [Volynsk], daughter of the
    settler Ferdinand NORENBERG and his wife Caroline nee MARKUS, born
    from ??iny, Petrikau government. ?????

Hope to be helpful,

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