[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Ger-Poland-Volhynia Digest, Vol 49, Issue 19

HorstRenz at aol.com HorstRenz at aol.com
Tue Jun 19 14:56:25 PDT 2007

In regards to the  age of conscription  in Germany during WWII, I  would like 
to add some observations.  My uncle was 58 yrs. of age when  he was killed in 
East Prussia in Feb. 1945--he had been drafted into  the military  some time 
in the 1940's after our families were resettled  into Warthegau.  I had 
thought that he was too old to be drafted, too, but  maybe he had volunteered.  His 
two sons both died as soldiers as well, both  at age 19, in 1943 and 1944, one 
in Russia and one in France.   I had  a couple of cousins that died as 
soldiers in Stalingrad 1942-43 and they were 25  and 30 yrs. of age.  My older 
brother was 16 when he was called up in Aug.  1944--he was killed about a month 
later.  I also had a number of older  relatives that were drafted into the 
Volkssturm at the end of the war when they  were in their 50's and were never heard 
from again, apparently died.
Horst Renz

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