[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Church records from Ilow (Powiat Sochaczewsk); Period 1930 - 1945

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Wed Apr 25 05:11:53 PDT 2007

At 02:05 PM 24/04/2007, Alexander Gaugele wrote:
>can any one tell me where I can find the evangelist church records 
>from Ilow (Powiat Sochaczewsk) in the period between 1930 - 1945 in 
>polnish language (maybe in german).
>Mainly the deaths and funerals in 1939 in Ilow are very important 
>for my search! I hope they wasn't destroyed in end of WW2.
>Thanks for your help.
>Best regards,
>Alex from Germany


As far as we know, the available records stop at 1931.  The were 
microfilmed by the LDS but I am not sure if they are complete or 
not.  I'm also not sure which archive held the originals - perhaps Leipzig???

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca  

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