[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Przasnysz-Parish

Gary Warner gary at warnerengineering.com
Sat Jan 14 12:41:08 PST 2006


Since the 1835 records are the earliest known records for Przasnysz, 
then there are at least two possibilities:

1.   Find the families in the Catholic records for the same area.  If 
you pursue this route, there is a listing of Catholic parishes, and 
the towns in each parish in a series of spiral bound books by 
Johathan D. Shea and Wiliam F. Hoffman, called "Polish Localities in 
the Russian Partition and Their Parish Affiliations.     I have 
Volume I: Bialystok, Drochiczyn, Lomza, Plock Dioceses, which 
includes the Lutheran parish of Przasnysz.   The book is printed by 
Language and Lineage Press of New Milford, CT, USA, and has an ISBN 

2.   Find them Lutheran parishes that were formed earlier than 
Przasnysz.    Unless the center of that parish is somewhat close to 
the location where your family was located, however, it is more 
probable that they will be found in the Catholic records.

Since Przasnysz is a parish of great interest to me, I will be 
interested to see what you find.   It seems that there are some good 
clues to where the people in Przasnysz came from in the later records 
(actual birth places noted in the Przasnysz marriage and death 
records that are outside of Przasnysz parish), so you may want to 
explore the records that are after 1835 before you jump to the 
Catholic or more distant Lutheran parishes.    The places I have 
found in marriage and death records indicate that my people came 
I  from the southwest of that parish, but your family may be different.

Gary Warner

At 08:04 AM 01/14/06, Dr. Frank Stewner wrote:
>I found many Stefner-family members in the Churchbook of Przasnysz.
>Where do I have to search before 1835 to find more?
>Frank Stewner
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