[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Surname: KNORR

Gary Warner gary at warnerengineering.com
Wed Dec 6 09:43:14 PST 2006


It is time for you to update your SGGEE pedigree data, as you are 
showing no Knorr names in the data that you submitted to SGGEE.

Our members Ursula Bachman, Bill Remus and Larry Nicoulin are 
researching the Knorr name.

Gary Warner

At 08:35 AM 12/06/06, Chris Menke wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone on the list is researching the last name 
>Knorr. It appears my g-g-g-grandmother's maiden name was KNORR. 
>First name unknown. Married to Gottlieb Brandt most likely in 
>Russian-Poland but possibly Volhynia. Married about ? 1840 ? I know 
>this is vague but it's all I have on that name.
>   Thanks, Chris Menke
>Researching Menke / Manke, Brandt, Schappert / Schuppert, Knorr
>   in Prussia, German-Poland, Russian-Poland, Volhynia, Galicia
>Have a burning question? Go to Yahoo! Answers and get answers from 
>real people who know.
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>Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe http://www.sggee.org
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