Rose Ingram roseingram at shaw.ca
Wed Aug 30 12:18:40 PDT 2006


YOu will find the 1901 Candian Census at 
But searching this database is painful to say the least.

Look at http://www.automatedgenealogy.com/index.html
Once a name is found, this website will also show the image from the 
manifest.  The spelling of names is good on website.   This website is free.
I believe the Ancestry.com has the Census' indexed - but spelling of names 
are not all that good.

The following page have links to reels of passengers list of ships arriving 
at different ports.  I believe you may be able to order in this reels/films 
through your local Public library.  Caution, some of these passengers lists 
have very little information.

Rose Ingram

From: "Mike McHenry"
> Hi
> I haven't been able to find my grandmother in the US immigration records 
> and
> thought of trying Canadian ones. The time period was 1897-1902. I have
> checked the St Albans, VT immigration to the USA from Canada. My first
> record of her in the USA is 1902 in Bristol, CT. The LDS seems to have a 
> lot
> on Canada immigration. Can someone familiar with these point me in the 
> right
> direction? Also I believe I saw the Canadian census for 1901 on line. Does
> someone have the URL?
>                                        Mike

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