[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] maps

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Sun Aug 27 05:55:12 PDT 2006

At 11:24 AM 26/08/2006, Delores Stevens wrote:
>Hi All
>Am looking for Janufka, Poland and Trubetz, Russia.  Do not know if 
>these are how they are spelled or just spelled the way they 
>sounded.  Have not been able to find them on the maps at SGGEE.
>Delores Maduke
>Saskatoon, SK

Janufka = Janowka and translates literally to "John's little 
village".   There are at least 14 Janowka in modern Poland along with 
numerous Janow, Janowo, Janowice, etc.  You will probably need some 
contextual data to determine which it is.  Surprisingly enough, in 
our list of German villages in Russian Poland, there is only one, 
near Lodz.  You should be able to find it with that spelling on our 
posted maps.  While it may expand your search range, don't rely on it 
being the correct one until you obtain further evidence.

Trubitz appears to be a Germanic attempt at a spelling.  You might 
expect the Slavic spelling to be more like Trubicz.  In any case, the 
best place to search for places not on our list is 
http://www.jewishgen.org/ShtetlSeeker/LocTown.asp because it will 
conduct a sounds-like search using a special formula that compares 
typical Germanic, English, and Slavic sounds.  The results are 
usually quite diverse so you still have to be manually selective 
about what seems logically correct.  I searched all the historical 
Russian countries and could not find a good match.  Again, some kind 
of context might help to narrow down the area.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca  

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