[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Neu Wuerttemberg Amt Tkaczew and Gruenberg Amt Laznow

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Thu Aug 3 19:49:01 PDT 2006

I generally concur with the suggestions made but 
there is one small problem.  The description:

"(zwischen Krubin und Lipinsken-Stadt)"

does not fit the location for Tkaczewska Gora, 
nor Tkaczew a short distance further north.

Krubin and Lipinskie are only about 2-3 km apart 
and are both located a short distance SE of 
Gabin.  A place located between them would be 
precisely the location of Lwowek / Leonberg, a 
village known to have been founded by Wuerttembergers in the early 1800s.

Neither Tkaczewska Gora nor Lwowek appear on my 
1803 Gilly map of South Prussia so both villages 
were probably founded after or at that time 
period.  Note also that if Gruenberg is in "Amt 
Laznow", then Neu Wuerttemberg should be in "Amt 
Tkaczew".  The only known Tkaczew at the time is 
shown as a Vw. = volwark = farm.  It would hardly 
carry the designation of Amt and is too far away to apply.

I certainly have no idea how to explain 
this.  Perhaps someone who knows the history of 
Leonberg can shed some insight.  One such history 
is in our December 2001 Journal but does not 
appear to provide any light on the question.  In 
any case, it may mean doing some research in both places.

Two other small points of interest.  The Journal 
article shows a Gottlieb Rausser family from 
Iselshausen, Nagold, Wu. as one of the original 
settlers which could be a misspelling or variant 
of Reiser.  And, Neu Wuerttemberg, according to a 
GOOGLE search, is a term used to describe the 
former Kingdom after the invasion of Napoleon.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca

At 10:17 AM 03/08/2006, Jan Textor wrote:
>"Neu Wuerttemberg Amt Tkaczew" is called Tkaczewska Góra today and is
>located at the coordinates 51°54' 19°15'.
>Your "Gruenberg Amt Laznow" is probably Zielona Góra today.  There are at
>least four towns with that name in Poland, but my guess is that it is the
>one located at the coordinates 51°42' 19°42', between Lódz and Laznowska
>Hope this helps.
>Jan Textor
> >From: William Remus <remus at hawaii.edu>
> >Reply-To: remus at hawaii.edu
> >To: ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org
> >Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Neu Wuerttemberg Amt Tkaczew and
> >GruenbergAmt Laznow
> >Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 17:29:27 -1000
> >
> >I am looking for the villages where the Reiser family stayed on their way
> >from Feuerbach, Wuertemberg to Volhynia around 1805. According to some old
> >records, these two villages are Neu Wuerttemberg Amt Tkaczew (zwischen
> >Krubin und Lipinsken-Stadt) and Gruenberg Amt Laznow, both in South
> >Prussia. Does anyone know where these villages were located and in what
> >churchbooks records might be found?
> >
> >When he eventually got to Volhynia Jacob Reiser was the kantor for
> >Faustendorf and his wife was the midwife Juliana Reiser often seen as a
> >witness in the St Petersburg birth records.
> >
> >Regards Bill Remus
> >
> >PS and looking forward to seeing many of you at the convention next week in
> >Edmonton.
> >

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