[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] 1840 Poznan area to 1860 Volhynia: StoppingPlaces (William Remus)

Rose Ingram roseingram at shaw.ca
Sun Apr 30 13:22:29 PDT 2006

Ah ha, this spelling alternative makes sense.  Many times I have seen the 
"w" and "b" interchanged in a surname in the Polish written records.

Rose Ingram

From: "Earl.Schultz"

> Bill, any chance Haarwardt and Harbart are the same name?  There are
> several Harbart families in the Rypin, Plock area in your timeframe and I
> have information on them.
> Earl Schultz
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:50:42 -1000
> From: William Remus <remus at hawaii.edu>
> Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] 1840 Poznan area to 1860 Volhynia:
> Stopping Places
> To: ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org
> Message-ID: <f54ed58f49d12.4450be22 at hawaii.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I have been very successfully finding my ancestral Haarwardt family (and
> other Volhynia families) just east of Poznan in Labischen. Then, all the
> sudden they disappear after 1840 and reappear in the early 1860's in
> Volhynia. So they must have spent about 20 years farming in Russian Poland
> and been driven out by the Polish revolt in Russian Poland in the early
> 1860's. And to SK and MB around 1900.
> So does anyone know what farming areas opened up in the 1840's in Russian
> Poland that might have attracted them. I believe opportunities around
> Sampolno, Plock, Rawa and Lodz were around 1800 so too early...
> Regards Bill Remus
> Haarwardt, Remus, Hoffmann, Podjan, Spitzer, and others ....

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