[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Bobrownik, Russia

Rick Hessel hesselhh at stny.rr.com
Sat Apr 15 12:38:53 PDT 2006

When my wife's greatgrandmother Frederike (Dreier?) Hoppe applied for citizenship in Buffalo, she stated she was born in Bobrownik, Russia on Oct. 2, 1871.  She married Rheinhold Hoppe in Bobrownik on 1/8/98.  I believe they were Lutheran as they attended Lutheran Churches and when the children married they were all Protestant.  They spoke only German and listed both Poland and Germany as their place of birth on US censuses.  I have found Bobrowniki mentioned on some sites, but am not sure which one would fit the criteria of Germans living in Russia which at some time was Poland.  Has anyone seen the name of Hoppe or Dreier or Dreher in their research of Germans living in Russia. I searched for "Lipno" on the net, but found little information. Can anyone suggest where I should start with this research. Thanks in advance.

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