[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Is it possible?

Nelson Itterman colnels at telus.net
Fri Apr 7 13:22:40 PDT 2006

Was Kiev not in Volhynia?

-----Original Message-----
From: ger-poland-volhynia-bounces at eclipse.sggee.org
[mailto:ger-poland-volhynia-bounces at eclipse.sggee.org] On Behalf Of Jerry
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 2:07 PM
To: Genealdhh at aol.com; ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org
Subject: Re: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Is it possible?

At 01:37 PM 07/04/2006, Genealdhh at aol.com wrote:
>My grandmother said I could ask you a question for a school report.
>If someone traveling from Volhynia were to be asked where they were from
>they chose as an answer the nearest large city, what would their likely
>answer be?

Hi Ty,

In the area of Volhynia where the Germans lived, there were actually 
6 small cities or large towns - Kowel, Wladimir Wolhynsk, Luck, 
Rowno, Nowograd Wolhynsk, and Zhitomir.  All were used as regional 
points of reference.

If I had to pick one, I would say Zhitomir, even though it is not in 
the centre.

My grandparents lived a short distance NW of Rowno yet, on the 
passenger list for the ship they sailed on, they are noted as being 
from Zhitomir which was over 180 km (110 miles) away.

You can see these cities on the map at 
http://www.sggee.org/VolGub10.pdf .  If you'd like to include it in 
your report, feel free to print it out and use it.  I don't know what 
grade you are in or what your report requires but, anytime you use 
such material in a report, you should always indicate where you got it from.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca  

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