[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] families in Glombie 1798-1819

"Uta Härtling" haertling.uta at gmx.de
Tue May 31 11:22:09 PDT 2005

Hello everyone, 
As a byproduct of my own research I have collected all families from Glombie
near Lodz since the town was founded about 1798 up to 1819 from the church
books of Skoszewy. Glombie is a small settlement, which consisted of 10
homesteads about 1830. I am sending a list of all couples which I have found
and I am willing to give further information if needed. Most of the families
were evangelical and most likely German, so I added some notes to help with
the identification of the families. 
Maybe this can help some of you. 

Baranowski (baran = Widder, Hammel), Simon & Marianna
Brandt, Johann & Eva/Rosa
Cwarow, Gottfried & Christina Werner
Czerwinski (= Roth?), Christoph & Marianna Retmann
Frank, Michael & Rosa Rekowa
Hekiendorf (= Eichendorff?), Johann & Marianna Oztrzenska (= Scherfer?)
Hetmann, Christoph & Marianna Kuntowna
Holz, Michael & Elisabeth
Incow (= Hintz?), Johann & Marianna
Jäschke, Georg & Anna Christine Rieczynska/Kwiecienskich
Jenc (= Jantz?), Johann & Anna Marianna Cymbrowa
Kauss, Johann (aus Galkowek) & Anna Fisona? Zimmer
Kerntopf, Gottlieb & Christine
Lenitz, Johann (aus Skoszowka) & Rosalia Zimmer
Likow, Johann & Rosa Egidowa
Mertin, Johann (aus Swinieck) & Susanna Jesko (= Jäschke?)
Nowak (= Neumann?) & Catharine Grinik
Oztrzynski (= Scherfer?), Christian & Anna Rosa Frank
Oztrzynski (= Scherfer?), Carl & Rosalia Krankowska
Patzer, Andreas & Anna Elisabeth Glesmann
Redencki, Christoph & Anna Marianna Werner
Retmann, Christoph & Anna Rosina/Anna Rosalia Kant
Rudzienski (= Roth?), Christoph & Marianna Retmann
Schulz, Anderas & Anna Elisabeth Gliu
Sokolowski, Johann & Marianna Sadoszczonka
Wankow, Gottlieb & Rosa Bayrowna oder Brysowna
Wekwertow?, Anderas & Catharina
Werner, Gottlieb & Anna Carolina Czerwiencka (= Roth?)
Werner, Friedrich & Anna Elisabeth Konduwna
Wichner, Michael & Anna Catharina Martin
Zimmer, Daniel & Anna Marianna Schindel
Zimmer, Daniel & Rosa
Zimmer, Mathias & Elisabeth Cwarowna
Zyd...ichow?, Casimir & Elisabeth

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