[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Schmidtke Family

Harry Jansohn hrjansohn at earthlink.net
Thu May 26 04:53:24 PDT 2005

This is in reply to Carsten W?hrman's letter about the Schmidtke Family.
Some of his family was listed from the Mariampol area.  I had some records
printed out and I found an Adolf Schmidtke, born 1883, on a confirmation list
of the Ev. Lutheran Church of Mariampol.  His birthplace is Nowolotoki ?, and
his father's name is also Adolf.  These particular records are in German, and I
have found many of my family members on them.  This film is Vault INTL Film
1924664 Items 1-2, from the Family History Center.  The title is Metrical Books,
1838-1918. Ev. Lutheran Church of Mar'yampol'.

I am still looking for information on all of my mother's family.  They were mainly
from the Mariampol area, but earlier from Neustadt/Naumiestis/Wladislowow.
Surnames: Frendzel/ Delgau or Dalchau/Jurkszat or Jurkschat/Niederstrasser.

Janice Jansohn

Harry Jansohn
hrjansohn at earthlink.net
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