[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Questions or hints about Film numbers

Gary Warner gary at warnerengineering.com
Mon Jul 4 16:27:53 PDT 2005


I cannot answer your question, but I recall 
looking at the Suwalki, Poland records, and I 
think there were up to four different copies of 
the same parish books.   I have also seen the 
same in some other parishes, notably 
Przasnysz.  I am not certain if the required 
number of copies that each parish had to make, 
but it is apparent that it is more than one, at 
least in some areas.   This may have been 
different from diocese to diocese, however.

Gary Warner
Gig Harbor, Washington, USA

At 04:06 PM 7/4/2005, Gerhard Koenig wrote:
>The list of new film numbers is very intresting and long ... but I could
>read some differences:
>The LDS database show us as source the State Archive in Warszaw. I have
>compare the entries of LDS with the PRAZIAD database, but I could not read
>church books from an evang.-reformed church in Volhynia. There are only
>evang.-augsb. church books. Please pays attention during the reading to the
>denomination ... the names of the pastors can be very intresting. Pls gives
>us a feedback.
>PRAZIAD: http://baza.archiwa.gov.pl/sezam/pradziad.eng.php
>Now my question for the readers:
>Have we the same church books in different films?
>Rozyszcze ev.-augsb. Taufen 1862-1870 - Film 905256 and
>Rozyszcze ev.-ref. ? Taufen 1862-1872 - Film 2380017 Item 2
>Rozyszcze ev.-augsb. Heiraten 1862-1870 - Film 905256 and
>Rozyszcze ev.-ref. ? Heiraten 1862-1880 - Film 2380026
>Rozyszcze ev.-augsb. Konfirmationen 1860-1870 - Film 905256 and
>Rozyszcze ev.-ref. ? Konfirmationen 1862-1875 - Film 2380025 Item 1
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