[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Become an SGGEE Member!

gpvjem gpvjem at sasktel.net
Sun Jan 16 08:47:47 PST 2005

Thank you Mike!  Your endorsement will help.



  As someone who recently became a member I can strongly endorse this. It
  has become an immense help in my research.


      To all Ger-Pol-Vol Listserve subscribers.
          If you have been contemplating becoming an SGGEE member, now is
  the time to do it.  SGGEE membership fees are based on a calendar year,
  i.e. January through December.  The current membership fees are $40
  (CAD) if a resident of Canada, 25 Euros (cash) in the European Union,
  $30(USD) if you reside elsewhere.  


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