[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Volhynia Villages

gpvjem gpvjem at sasktel.net
Wed Feb 16 17:26:15 PST 2005

        My guess is that the correct spelling of the place name is Lugardia, Wolhynia.
    There was a village in Volhynia called Lugardia, a few kilometers south east of Swehl in the parish of Nowograd Wolynsk.  This parish was part of the Zhitomir parish prior to 1889.  Lugardia can also be found on Jerry Frank's Volhynian map in grid XB-5.  I don't see it in Stetl Seeker.

John Marsch


  Today I had the opportunity to help a friend start her genealogy research. 
  To my surprise she has two ancestral lines who state birth place in 

  A typed 1917 Manitoba birth record of a child states the mother's birth 
  place as Lugardin Wolienger, Russia.   Any guesses as to what Lugardin may 
  be?  The mother is shown as Lieda Stebner.
  The father is Edward Lips born in Bularka, Wolienger, Russian.  It is 
  possible the name Lips may have been shorted from Lipstein and he may be of 
  Jewish orgin.

  Rose Ingram 

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