[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] pedigree database

Gary Warner gary at warnerengineering.com
Sun Dec 18 22:18:38 PST 2005


As I enter data received from members in the Pedigree Database, I 
assign their SGGEE member ID to their data as a source.    As I enter 
data received from any of our members who research a specific area of 
records, I assign an SGGEExxx identification number for that 
data.   This data is different than member data, because it always 
relates to a specific body of data, usually original data, that is 
much broader in scope than data for a specific member.  The data 
usually covers an entire parish, or a group of records like the 
EWZ.   We do not list who the contributor of that SGGEExxx data is 
because we would rather have you send an email to databases at sggee.org 
to find particulars on that data from someone at that email 
address.   The purpose of that diversion is to allow the person who 
compiled that SGGEExxx database to continue on with other research 
and not have to stop and answer questions about the 
data.     SGGEE018 happens to be a compilation of original records 
from Lublin parish.

Gary Warner

  At 09:16 PM 12/18/05, Ohgrmtns at aol.com wrote:
>I have been searching the Pedigree Database and have come across a source I
>do not understand. I have encountered the source as "SGGEE018." Can anyone
>tell  me what this source is and where I can find it?
>Kristen FEIFERT Clark
>Searching: Nedbajewka, Rohrbach(Berjozowka), Gruental,  Kutuzowka
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