[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Birth Records in Zhitomir or Rozyszcze?

Gerhard Koenig Gerhard.Koenig at gmx.net
Thu Dec 8 00:02:57 PST 2005

> Is there any new about birth records in Volhynia (Zhitomir or Rozyszcze) 
> after 1885? I'm looking for August Kommers (birth year 1886).

Hello Eduardo,

do you you know some place names from the family of August Kommers?

The news you can compare here:

-> http://wiki.wolhynien.de
-> go to "Filme der Mormonen" ... list of new films
-> go to "Filme Kirchspiel Rozyszcze" ... for example
=> all filmnumbers are connected with the origin entries from the family
research database. note: in the film titles are some differences

By this way:
If someone need a letter example in Russian, Ukrain or Polish ... some ideas
you can read under the subject "Uebersetzungen"

A nice christmas time to all;))


Historical Society - http://HistorischerVerein.wolhynien.de
Family research in Volhynia - http://wolhynien.de
Informations + Questions - http://forum.wolhynien.de
Take part + read - http://wiki.wolhynien.de

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