[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] another Reiter ending

Perry1121 at aol.com Perry1121 at aol.com
Fri Sep 10 07:49:22 PDT 2004

List members:

First, I've enjoyed all the rhymes and sayings that my initial posting 
stimulated. I'm keeping the texts in a special "folklore" document and will enjoy 
adding to it. Thank you all. And I know that the SGGEE file is also benefiting 
from our discussion.

Second, my family used a different ending to "Hoppa hoppa Reiter" than 
Carsten's splash. After getting eaten by ravens, the hapless rider

Faellt er in das gruene Grass   (falls in the green grass
Macht ihn denn den Hosen nass. (and makes his pants wet)

We used the same motion of dropping the "rider" between or down the legs.

Sigrid Pohl Perry

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