[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Family History Library Catalog

Ednadill at aol.com Ednadill at aol.com
Fri Oct 29 12:36:54 PDT 2004

Dear list members,
    I would like to pick your collective  brains.  I am curious about the 
way(s) I am using the FHL catalog.   Let me give a bit of background info to show 
what I mean.
     I have looked at all of the Lipno  parish films from 1808 to 1865.  My 
family shows up in the Lipno  parish area around 1824.  They resided in 
Komorowo, Piaseczno, Nietrzeba,  Janowo, Podolina and Teodorowo.  All the towns I 
listed are from records  in the Lipno parish films.  
    Now since my family is German, I  figured at some point they must have 
come eastward into Poland.  I did have  one record that listed Rogowek, Prussia 
as the residence and Grebocin as  holding the extract of birth.  Now with that 
info I looked at the Torun  parish films from 1696 to 1865.  As I stated in 
an earlier post, I hit the  jackpot with 138 entries for the surname Dill.
    My question is really two fold.   First, where were they between Torun 
and Lipno parishes?  Second, do all of  the parishes within a certain area have 
the same record holdings as the main  parish? i.e.-would Osiek or Chrostkowo 
hold the same records as  Lipno?
    The reason for these questions is that I  viewed the Chrostkowo film 1808 
to 1822, with no entries for Dill.  I  figured that it was relatively "close" 
to Podolina, Janowo and Nietrzeba that it  was worth a shot.  Would Rypin be 
a place to look, since it's location to  my villages?  But which one: 
Zale(Rypin), Rogowo(Rypin) or  Rypin(Rypin)?  
I'm sorry if this letter is confusing, maybe I didn't phrase my  questions 
correctly.  The nuts and bolts of it basically ask for help from  anyone who 
knows how to play the FHL film number game and win!
Thanks to all for your time.
Erik Dill

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