[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Names please - Where are these places?

Jutta Dennerlein Jutta.Dennerlein at t-online.de
Mon Nov 22 11:10:21 PST 2004

It seems to me that all four names refer to the German concentration
camps Buchenwald and Bergen-Belsen.

Jutta Dennerlein

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ger-poland-volhynia-bounces at eclipse.sggee.org
> [mailto:ger-poland-volhynia-bounces at eclipse.sggee.org]On Behalf Of
> ResearchWBCP at aol.com
> Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 7:07 PM
> To: ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org
> Subject: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Names please - Where are
> these places?
> When my father returned from WWII he returned with pictures
> that had been
> taken at wartime, does anyone recognize the following names
> and where they were
> taken?
> Belsez
> Buchenwald
> Camp de Buckenwald
> Joseph Kramer Com at Camp of  Belsez
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