[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] John Koenig b. Nov. 1827 in Kallish/Kalisz,Poland

Peter Schmaltz pschmaltz at earthlink.net
Tue Nov 2 14:14:16 PST 2004

Thanks to the Rose, Jerry and Karl for your replies. I'm taking Karl's
advice and am dropping my SGGEE membership application and check in the mail
this afternoon. Now I just have to wait to get my password! Too bad I can't
sign up online so I could go through the online records tonight!

The newspaper article has several fairly specific facts (besides John being
110 years old) that will make it interesting to track things down further.
Things found in the article include:

"John Koenig, his survivors read from family records today, was born Nov 25
1827 in Kallish Poland and at the age of 25 married Louise Walter. To them,
two daughters were born; one died in infancy. the other is Mrs. Caroline
Unruh of Kansas. Mr. Koenig's first wife died six years after their

"In 1859 Mr. Koenig married Gustine Fahar and in 1870 they moved to Russia.
During that period eight children, 5 sons and 3 daughters, were born. Three
of these survive - Mrs. Mathilda Schmaltz, Mrs. Florintine Pschigoda of
Oklahoma and William Koenig of Colorado.

"In 1899 Mr Koenig came to America and settled in Kansas until 1905, then
moved to Oklahoma and in 1916 came to Michigan to live with Mrs. Schmaltz
(his daughter)."

It might yet make sense that several of these dates are off by a decade when
all is said and done. If he was born in 1837 (instead of 1827), was 31 when
his first wife died and then remarried a year later in 1869 (instead of
1859), it would then make sense that he had a daughter in 1874 (my great
grandmother, Mathilda Koenig Schmaltz). Mathilda was born in 1874 in Poland
(according to her death certificate), and I've found references to other
children born in 1880 and 1885 in the SGGEE transcription of the St. Pete's
archives, but none in the 1870s. So it would make sense if they migrated to
Volhynia around 1880 instead of 1870.

Also, from Gustine Farr Koenig's death certificate I show her parents' names
were John Farr and Louise Schultz.

Let me know what date you show for Johann's first marriage to Louise Walter
as well as that to Gustine Farr, and also if Gustine's parents' names match


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