[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Ostrowitsch

Margrit Weigel Margrit.Weigel at gmx.de
Mon Mar 22 15:06:59 PST 2004

I had some problems with my web server the other day. So,  here
my posting again:

Margrit Weigel" <margrit_weigel at web.de> schrieb am 21.03.04 22:59:18:

One possibility could be the place Ostrowtschina, also known as Ostroszyn.
It is situated about 10miles  nwn of Rozyszcze, but not far away from the
border to the Wladimir-Volynsk parish. 

Is Lengert the first or the last name of the father? As a first name it
sounds rather strange in German ears. Is Schmidt Adeline's maiden or married

Margrit Weigel

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