[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Romansdorf

William Remus remus at cba.hawaii.edu
Mon Mar 22 14:13:44 PST 2004

> I am looking for old photos and/or "village plans" (pre WW II) of my family's 
> ancestral villages in Volhynia to include in a family history book. The 
> villages are Alt Alexandrowka, Julianowka, and Helenowka in Zhitomir Parish, 
> Kutozowka and Gruental in Heimtal Parish, and Romansdorf in Kiev Parish. If anyone 
> can direct me as to where I might be able to find such photos, or has copies 
> they would be willing to share, please contact me through this forum or at my 
> personal E-mail address.
> Harold Kwast
Pictures of Romansdorf (also called Doliwa) are on my website at
and click on Romansdorf. The pictures are from my trip about 5 
years ago. I too would love to see older pictures.

This village was established in 1855 by families that arrived around 
1830 in Volhynia. Prior villages include Faustendorf and Tarnowole. 

Family Names in Romansdorf include Quast, Krassin, Spitzer, 
Hoffman, Lehmann, Radke, and others.

Regards Bill Remus

 William Remus, Professor of Information Technology Management    
 Doctoral Program Chair for Communication and Information Sciences 
        2404 Maile Way, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 96822
        Telephone: 808-956-7608   Fax: 808-956-9889
For Information on and Applications for the CIS Doctoral Program      
 For Information about Bill Remus and the Courses He Teaches

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