[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Villiage of Nietrzeba

Ednadill at aol.com Ednadill at aol.com
Tue Mar 9 06:29:55 PST 2004

Hello all,
    Just a quick question.  I looked at more Lipno parish films yesterday.  I 
came up with a considerable amount with the village listed as Nietrzeba.  I 
looked this village up on the ShtetlSeeker and the only one I found was 51 03 N 
21 54 E, 166.1 miles from Lipno.  Unless there is another Nietrzeba, why 
wouldn't these records have been recorded in Warsaw or closer parishes.  The 
Michal Dyll that died on September 16 1855 in Nietrzeba, resided in Komorowo.
    Any suppositions would be helpful.
Erik Dill

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