[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Polin, Powiat Nowograd Wolinsk, Wolynia

gary and rhonda simpson garynrho at granite.mb.ca
Fri Jan 23 11:44:31 PST 2004

BlankI have just received the naturalization papers for my great uncle,
Christian Kroening.  His birth place is listed as Polin, Powiat Nowograd
Wolinsk, Wolynia, 4 may 1874.
In the Members area there is a Christian Kraening born 4 May 1875 to Christian
Kraening and Louise Zabel in Blumenthal, and an August Kroening to the same
parents, slightly different spelling, 27 July 1881 in Wiasawitz, and also in
Wjasowez, which I am sure is a duplicate explainable somehow.
On Christians 1940 Cdn Registration he gave his birth place as Poulin, which I
believe to be Pulin, but this Blumenthal thing, although a year different may
and probably is him.(He also said his parents were born in Poland but didn't
give a location).   He is my last resort for finding my great grandparents
(possibly Christian Sr. and Louise Zabel) as my grandmother Hulda Kroening's (
born c 1883) 1940 registration was not able to be found and she was
naturalized with my grandfather Robert Litz and there is nothing other that a
birth place of Russia for her in their naturalization papers, and that they
married in Zhitomer in 1903. The ships manifest just has them down as German
Russians.  There was another brother Ferdinand who died in 1930's so no 1940
registration.  He according to his naturalization papers was born in Warshau,
There is a question with all this rambling..
would Blumenthal and Pulin be close enough or under the same authority to make
these the same individual?
the brother August..(He must have stayed in Russia as there is no record of
him in any family history, and it is known that family stayed behind.) was it
common for a family to move about a lot between villages/settlements? and
would this account for the different location for his birth?
I hope this makes sense and someone can steer me in the correct direction.
in cold and snowy Manitoba

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