Schmaltz in Schwabia (Swabia) was: [Ger-Poland-Volhynia] new file

Reiner Kerp mail at
Wed Dec 1 00:52:53 PST 2004

Dear fellow searchers,

I first want to apologize for not answering all the mails on my new 
file (and thank you for the compliments):

it4s simply too much ;o)  uff!!!!!

99% of the content are in the (members-only) databases of the SGGEE and 
my data are less of 1% of those stored there. Maybe a few names in a 
different reading, as I "standardized" the names.
The Sompolno-SCHMALTZ in my file are obviously from Swabia. So 
ascendents of them - like many other families - may have moved from 
there to Volhynia.
As I wrote earlier, from the Sompolno records it is a short jump to 
Wuerttemberg or Schwaben (Swabia). You can see this, when reading Max 
Millers book:

"Die Auswanderung der W|rttemberger nach Westpreu_en und dem Netzegau, 

The original is from 1935 (Wuerttembergische Archivverwaltung Heft 1, 
Stuttgart 1935) and it has been published again as a reprint by the 
"Verein fuer Familienforschung in Ost- undd Westpreussen" : 
Sonderschrift Nr. 22. The "Mormones" have this book in their Family 
History Library Catalog. It seems not to be on microfilm, but you may 
order the the book to a family-history center.

Comparing the Sompolno-records to Millers book, you can also see, how 
the names were changed in the older polish (katholic) churchbooks. 
There are too many cases to list them here, but there are e.g. good 
reasons, MUTH - MUSZLER - MATZ ..... are "polonizations" of MUTSCHLER 
(that name is in Millers book). Similar to IZNER - EISNER (which has 
nothing to do with ice, but iron).
It should not be forgotten, that the "Wuertemberger" swabians may be 
only about a quarter of the colonists in West(and South-?)prussia and 
the Netzegau. Others came from other "german homelands", Switzerland or 



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