[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] GER-POLAND-VOLHYNIA - Search for Roman Asmus

JSchu9014 at aol.com JSchu9014 at aol.com
Tue Sep 23 20:52:17 PDT 2003

I realize this may not apply specifically to this list, but I know that many
of you have researched in Canada.

I am trying to help a distant cousin from Latvia find some information on her
ROMAN ASMUS, b. 04.08.1924 in Vez Ogre/Latvia.  He was reported missing on
12.07.1944 while serving in the Germany Army near Barssuki (Russia).   He was
"Unterscharf|hrer des 7.  Waffen Grenadier Regiment 34, 15 SS Division."

A cousin living in Germany has contacted a few of the organizations in
Germany who have been working to find and identify German soldiers from WWII. 
Although his sister believed that he died in Russia, she and her family were
shocked to recently have received an anonymous phone call stating that they
had seen the photograph and letter written by the cousin in Germany and that
man in the photo was alive, living in Canada and married to a German girl. 

His family would very much like to find out any information available about
his division and regiment, what they were doing at the time and if it would
have been possible for the young  German soldier to have entered Canada and
become a citizen of the country.  If he is indeed alive and living in Canada,
sister would very much like to contact him.

Any help or suggestions would be most grateful.

Janice Schultz

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