[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Immigration from Volhynia to Germany

GuentherO at aol.com GuentherO at aol.com
Sun Sep 7 02:10:38 PDT 2003

In January 2003 I had an appointment at the bGeheimen Staatsarchiv
PreuCischer Kulturbesitz Berlinb.

I saw several records with the theme bimmigration from Volhynia (Russia) to
Germany in the years 1917/1918".

I was searching related persons of SCHUMANN and MEIER.

The records were alphabetical and I only saw bSchb and bMb. But it
there are records for  other letters and years in the same volume too.

They allthough have records which are include papers of political and
organizing interest.

I tried to find some answers about the bRC<ckwanderungsstelleb (from which
great-grandfather got a passport called bRC<ckwandererausweisb so he could
come back to Germany in 1918) and the  bFC<rsorgeverein fC<r deutsche

Now some people I found:

GUSTAV SCHULZ, born 28.02.1891 in Widumka, Kr. Schitomir, naturalized in
Gumbinnen am 16.01.1918

ADOLF SCHULZ, born. 14.08.1893 in Kurgan, Kr. Lutzka, naturalized in
Gumbinnen am 30.10.1918

ALBERT SCHULZ, born. 16.05.1888 in Martinowka, Wolhynien, naturalized in
Gumbinnen am 12.03.1919

BENJAMIN SCHCNING, born. 24.11.1895 in Friedensdorf, Kr. Schitomir,
naturalized in Duesseldorf am 21.07.1919

ROBERT MEIER, born. 10. or 22.03.1897 in Sergejewka, Kr. Emiltschin,
naturalized in Minutsdorf, Kr. Hohensalza am 12.08.1918

GUSTAV LESS, Gumbinnen, lived in Damerau, Kr. StallupC6nen, naturalized am

Family ALEXANDER SCHUBMANN, with wife and child, lived in Coronel Suarez
F.C.S. Colonia Nr. 3, Argentinia. His ancestors were germans and went about
years ago to the Wolga area, then to Argentinia and in 1914 back to Germany
(with Norddeutscher LLoyd from Buenos Aires to Bremen).

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